Foreigner's Korean Language Level 1 to 4 Certification Process
Grade 1 to 6: 2 hours per day / 4 months each
/ 96h each
4 hours per day / 3 months / 320h
Korean society settlement education course
for foreign children
2 hours per day / 6 months / 472h
5 hours a day / 12 months / 1200h
National technique Certificate license Short-term
Acceptance Process theory education course
2 hours per day / 3 months / 72h
K-Beauty Salon Practice-oriented
Personalized type Skills Course
K-Beauty Internship Course
- 1 day / 4 hours / 2 months
K-beauty beginner Professional Beautician course
- 1 day / 4 hours / 3 months
K-beauty manager course
- 1 day / 2 hours / 2 months
3 hours a day / 10 months / 144h
Korean Beauty School World Instructor
certificaion license education Course
3 hours a day / 10 months / 144h
100 year-old World prople healthy
& tour education course
5 hours per day / 3 months / 272h